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The meaning and the normal range of blood test indicators

The CO2 level is related to the respiratory exchange of carbon dioxide in the lungs and is part of the bodies buffering system. Generally, when used with the other electrolytes, carbon dioxide levels indicate pH or acid / alkaline balance in the tissues.

This is one of the most important testa that we measure. Most people have too much acid in their body. If you garden you will know that it is very difficult to grow plants in soil where the pH is incorrect.
Clinical Adult Range : 24 mmol/L - 32 mmol/L

White Blood Cells
White blood count measures the total number of white blood cells in a given volume of blood. Since WBCs kill bacteria, this count is a measure of the body's response to infection.
Clinical Adult Range : 4500 - 11000

Elevated in acute infection.
Clinical Adult Range : 35 % - 65 %

Elevated in bacterial infections, protozoal infections.
Clinical Adult Range : 0 % - 10 %

Elevated in acute and chronic infections. Decreased in viral infection and immune deficiency.
Clinical Adult Range : 20 % - 40 %

Elevated in allergic conditions, skin diseases, parasitic diseases.
Clinical Adult Range : 0 % - 7 %

Elevated in Infections.
Clinical Adult Range : 0 % - 2 %

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