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Diabetic Nephropathy problem

About the kidneys , you have any doubts, please click on this sentence, I'll give you the answer

Uncontrolled diabetes is the #1 cause of kidney failure in the worldwide countries, responsible for over 30% of the patients with the disease. The majority of kidney transplant recipients have either type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Over time, high levels of glucose in the blood destroys the kidney’s ability to filter toxins and waste from the blood. The glucose molecule is larger than the molecules that the kidney is supposed to filter. The filtering mechanism is damaged as glucose is forced into the urine, and thus the kidney loses the ability to filter small molecules. The damage continues until it is so severe that waste begins to build up in the bloodstream.

Blood tests will typically show both elevated creatinine and BUN levels. When the waste begins to build up, dialysis or a kidney transplant is the next step for treatment.

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