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About Histology of Experimental

                    Figure 1                                                                      Figure 2 
The increasing number of patients who suffer from chronic kidney diseases combined with the organ shortage have directed the attention of researchers to new alternatives in the fields of regenerative medicine including cell-based therapies and tissue bioengineering. This review of renal regenerative medicine addresses the mechanisms of action by stem cells to regenerate or repair chronically damaged renal tissue, alternative routes for their delivery, the role of biomaterials in tissue engineering, and the potential therapeutic effects of combining cell therapy with biomaterials. 

Despite the promise of ongoing work for therapy of chronic renal failure, caution is required as a large gap still exists between scientific knowledge and clinical translation for safe, effective stem cell-based therapies.
Figure 1 : Histology of experimental chronic renal failure included after 5/6 renal mass reduction. Severe interstitial fibrosis and glomerulosclerosis.
Figure 2 : Histology of experimental chronic renal failure after treatment with biomaterial seeded with 8 units of mesenchymal stem cells. Mild interstitial fibrosis and glomerulosclerosis and tubular degeneration.

About Stem Cell biotherapy

Patients with chronic kidney disease that are candidates for dialysis or transplants should consider stem cell biotherapy. This is particularly true with individuals that have persistent impaired renal function as measured by elevated BUN, Creatinine, abnormal 24 hour creatinine clearance test and decreased glomerular filtration rate.

To evaluate your condition it would be desirable for us to review a report on either a renal ultrasound or renal scan. Patients from the age of five years to eighty years are suitable for this type of treatment.

The source of the stem cells is umbilical cord blood and umbilical cord. The blood is carefully screened to rule out HIV, Hepatitis B and C, and Cytomegalovirus.

The patient is also given stem cell growth factor and placed on a specific protocol following treatment to ensure the engraftment, survival and safe proliferation of the cells. Post procedure, the patient is followed once a month with standard kidney function tests including BUN, Creatinine, 24 hour creatinine clearance test and glomerular filtration rate to determine progress.